Railway station Stadelhofen - Haus zum Falken
Kreuzbühlstrasse 1
Facts and Figures
- W 8.80 m x H 7.80 m
- 68.64 m2
- ca. 04/12/2023 till 30/06/2025
- Not available
- ca. 3'800'000
- Front, sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Directly at the railway station Zurich Stadelhofen
- ■Prominent location in the city center of Zurich
- ■Direct at the tram and bus station Stadelhofen (Tram lines 8/11/15, Bus line N11)
- ■Very high frequencies (one of the busiest train stations in Switzerland), nodal point rail station
- ■Surrounded by many Shops, Restaurants, Bars, Attractions, etc.
- ■Immediately next to the Opera house Zurich, Theater Stadelhofen, Sechseläutenplatz, lake of Zurich, etc.
- ■Permanent street lighting
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorization
- ■One simple visual, containing straight forward details, 5 words, logo and web url.
- ■No advertising in the sectors of religion, tobacco, politics, alcoholic beverages and sex.
Förrlibuckstrasse 59
Förrlibuckstrasse 59
Facts and Figures
- W 8.50 m x H 11.00 m
- 93.50 m2
- Permanent
- Not available
- ca. 875'000
- Front
Location | Description
- ■Head-on facing three lane road
- ■Two lane road in direction of the motorway A1
- ■In direction of Engrosmarkt, Hardturm, parking Pfingstweid and P.West
- ■High traffic volumes
- ■Extended viewing times through queues for traffic lights
- ■Near by Basler Versicherung, Sanitas Trösch, Puls 5, Fachhochschule, Technopark, Migros MM, Digitec, Accor Hotels
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorization
- ■1 simple visual, containing low information density, 5 words + logo + website
- ■No alcohol, tobacco, sex or political advertisement
Fraumünsterpost, Side Kappelergasse
Münsterhof 2
Facts and Figures
- ca. W 8.00 m x H 15.00 m
- ca. 120.00 m2
- ca. 02/03/2025 till 31/03/2026
- Not available
- ca. 2'148'600
- Sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Directly at the Limmat, opposite of the Grossmünster
- ■Prominent location in the city centre of Zurich
- ■Visible from Limmatquai, Quaibrücke and Bellevue
- ■Location at the end of Lake Zurich at the transition to the Limmat
- ■Right next to the Stadthaus Zurich
- ■Many historic buildings in the immediate vicinity
- ■In the nightlife and promenade area
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorisation
- ■One simple visual, containing straight forward details, max. 3 words + logo + web url
- ■No advertising in the sectors of religion, tobacco, politics, alcoholic beverages and property companies.
- ■Advertising for retail trade on request.
Fraumünsterpost, Side Stadthausquai
Münsterhof 2
Facts and Figures
- ca. W 30.00 m x H 7.00 m
- ca. 210.00 m2
- ca. 02/03/2025 till 31/03/2026
- Not available
- ca. 2'148'600
- Sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Directly at the Limmat, opposite of the Grossmünster
- ■Prominent location in the city centre of Zurich
- ■Visible from Limmatquai, Quaibrücke and Bellevue
- ■Very high frequency via the Quaibrücke
- ■Location at the end of Lake Zurich at the transition to the Limmat
- ■Right next to the Stadthaus Zurich
- ■Many historic buildings in the immediate vicinity
- ■In the nightlife and promenade area
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorisation
- ■One simple visual, containing straight forward details, max. 5 words + logo + web url
- ■No advertising in the sectors of religion, tobacco, politics, alcoholic beverages and property companies.
- ■Advertising for retail trade on request.
Hardturmstadium position EAST
Facts and Figures
- W 27.90 m x H 7.30 m
- 203.67 m2
- Permanent
- yes floodlit
- ca. 920'000
- Front, sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Main route from motorway A1 into the city centre
- ■In the direction of Basel, Bern, Lucerne, Lausanne, Geneva
- ■Along commuting line
- ■Congestion area and junction with traffic lights
- ■Extended viewing times
- ■Tram line stop both ways for line no 4
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorization
- ■No alcohol, tobacco, sex or political advertisement
- ■Visual with simple content, easy to understand with max. 5 words in large and legible letters as well as a clear logo and web url.
Hardturmstadium position WEST
Facts and Figures
- W 27.90 m x H 7.30 m
- 203.67 m2
- Permanent
- yes floodlit
- ca. 920'000
- Front, sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Main route from motorway A1 into the city centre
- ■Coming from Basel, Bern, Lucerne, Lausanne and Geneva
- ■Along commuting line
- ■Congestion area and junction with traffic lights
- ■Extended viewing times
- ■Tram line stop both ways for line no 4
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorization
- ■No alcohol, tobacco, sex or political advertisement
- ■Visual with simple content, easy to understand with max. 5 words in large and legible letters as well as a clear logo and web url.
Hardturmstadium middle surface
Facts and Figures
- W 28.50 m x H 7.30 m
- 208.05 m2
- Permanent
- yes, floodlit
- ca. 920'000
- Front, sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Exclusiveness
- ■Most important route from the City to the Highway
- ■In the direction of Basel, Bern, Lucerne, Lausanne, Geneva
- ■Lots of daily commuters
- ■Traffic jams, intersection with traffic lights
- ■Long viewing !
- ■Tram-Stop of line Nr. 4 in both ways
- ■Outline approval existing, subject requires authorization
- ■No advertisement for sex, tobaco, politics or strong alcoholics
- ■Visual with simple content, easy to be understood with max. 5 words in large and legible lettres; plus clearly subordinate a logo and an URL
Railway station, entry/exit 28
Neufrankengasse 28
Facts and Figures
- W 7.97 m x H 7.18 m
- 57.22 m2
- Permanent
- yes
- ca. 4'500'000
- Front, sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Location on main road leading to Zurich train station
- ■Directly on the railway track to and from Zurich airport
- ■Steps away from Zurich main station
- ■Large numbers of viewings through high traffic volume
- ■Best view for incoming and outgoing train passengers
- ■Extended viewing time due to slow traveling trains in this area
- ■Illumination at night maximizes exposure
- ■Attractive prices for 3, 6 and 12 months
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorization
- ■No restrictions concerning the number of words
- ■No alcohol, tobacco, sex or political advertisement as well as no real estate advertisment
Jelmoli, surface 1, side Uraniastrasse, Seidengasse
Seidengasse 1
Facts and Figures
- ca. W 5.90 m x H 7.70 m
- ca. 45.43 m2
- ca. 26/06/2025 till 01/08/2027
- Not available
- ca. 1'883'000
- Front
Location | Description
- ■Jelmoli-building, directly next to the C&A building, short distance to Globus
- ■Directly in the city of Zurich / shopping, promenade and nightlife area
- ■Frontal view for the traffic, frontal view for pedestrians
- ■30 meters away from Bahnhofstrasse, instant sight after crossing Bahnhofstrasse
- ■Main connection street from the city to Sihlporte, Casino Zurich, distributor road to highway Chur, Berne/Basel, to Pelikanplatz and parking garage Jelmoli
- ■High traffic and pedestrian volume
- ■In the radius of 300m are a lot of banks based
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorization
- ■One simple visual, containing straight forward details, max. 3 words + logo + web url
- ■No advertising in the sectors of religion, tobacco, politics, alcoholic beverages and sex
- ■No advertising for property companies. Competitors to tenants of the property on request
Jelmoli, surface 2, Bahnhofstrasse / corner Seidengasse
Bahnhofstrasse 8001
Facts and Figures
- ca. W 6.00 m x H 12.00 m
- ca. 72.00 m2
- ca. 16/06/2025 till 01/08/2027
- Not available
- ca. 2'346'280
- Front, sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Jelmoli-building, entry Bahnhofstrasse
- ■Directly in the city of Zurich / shopping, promenade and nightlife area
- ■Frontal view for the traffic, frontal view for pedestrians
- ■Directly at Bahnhofstrasse with a lot of exclusive shops
- ■High traffic and pedestrian volume
- ■Strong public transport from Bahnhofstrasse to Paradeplatz
- ■In the radius of 300m are a lot of banks based
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorization
- ■One simple visual, containing straight forward details, max. 3 words + logo + web url.
- ■No advertising in the sectors of religion, tobacco, politics, alcoholic beverages and sex.
- ■No advertising for property companies. Competitors to tenants of the property on request.
Jelmoli, surface 4, side Uraniastrasse
Uraniastrasse 25
Facts and Figures
- ca. W 18.00 m x H 9.00 m
- ca. 162.00 m2
- ca. 16/06/2025 till 01/08/2027
- Not available
- ca. 1'297'011
- Sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Jelmoli-building, directly next to the C&A building, short distance to Globus
- ■Directly in the city of Zurich / shopping, promenade and nightlife area
- ■Frontal view for the traffic, frontal view for pedestrians
- ■50 meters away from Bahnhofstrasse, instant sight after crossing Bahnhofstrasse
- ■Main connection street from the city to Sihlporte, Casino Zurich, distributor road to highway Chur, Berne/Basel, to Pelikanplatz and parking garage Jelmoli
- ■High traffic and pedestrian volume
- ■In the radius of 300m are a lot of banks and renowned shops based
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorization
- ■One simple visual, containing straight forward details, max. 3 words + logo + web url
- ■No advertising in the sectors of religion, tobacco, politics, alcoholic beverages and sex
- ■No advertising for property companies. Competitors to tenants of the property on request
Oerlikon Train station
Schulstrasse 44
Facts and Figures
- W 15.30 m x H 4.50 m
- 68.85 m2
- ca. 07/10/2024 till 18/05/2025
- Not available
- ca. 1'200'000
- Front, sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■Directly at the train station of Zurich Oerlikon
- ■Nodalpoint of train and bus lines 7, 10, 11, 14, 61, 62, 94
- ■Close to indoor stadium (Hallenstadion) and exhibition Zurich
- ■Surrounded by many shops and restaurants
- ■Top price-performance ratio
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorisation
- ■One simple visual, containing straight forward details, 5 words, logo and web url
- ■No advertising in the sectors of religion, tobacco, politics, alcoholic beverages and sex as well.
- ■Bank advertising on request
Uraniastrasse 6, Ecke Lintheschergasse
Uraniastrasse 6
Facts and Figures
- W 10.00 m x H 10.00 m
- 100.00 m2
- 02/12/2024 till 30/11/2025
- Not available
- ca. 1'883'000
- Front, sideways/oblique
Location | Description
- ■In the heart of Zurich
- ■In the city center of Zurich/famous shopping, promenade and nightlife area
- ■Directly next to the Jelmoli and C&A building, short distance to Globus
- ■Oblique view for the traffic, frontal view for pedestrians
- ■50 meters away from Bahnhofstrasse, instant sight after the turn from Bahnhofstrasse into Uraniastrasse
- ■Main connection street from the city to Sihlporte, Casino Zurich, distributor road
- ■Highway Chur and Bern/Basel
- ■Access road to Pelikanplatz
- ■High traffic and pedestrian volume
- ■In the radius of 300m are a lot of banks based
- ■Outline approval existing, individual artwork requires authorization
- ■One simple visual, containing straight forward details, max. 3 words + logo + web url
- ■No advertising in the sectors of religion, tobacco, politics and alcoholic beverages.
- ■Advertisement for banks and finances on request